How to Light a Furnace

The winter months are right around the corner and you will need to turn on your furnace soon enough. It is always a good idea before the winter air sets in to make sure that the heat and furnace are working. What happens if you turn on the furnace to test it and the light is out? Well, then you will need to know how to light a furnace. There are a few steps you will need to follow to get it back up and running again.

Let’s take a look.

Blue pilot light on a furnace.

What Is a Pilot Light?

A pilot light is a small flame continuously burning in gas appliances, such as furnaces, water heaters, and stoves. It is used to ignite the main burners when the appliance is turned on.

What Is The Purpose of a Pilot Light?

The primary purpose of a pilot light is to ensure that there is always a source of ignition available. It allows the appliance to quickly and easily be turned on without external ignition mechanisms.

Reasons Why a Pilot Light Would Go Out

There are several reasons why a pilot light may go out:

  1. Drafts: Strong drafts can blow out the flame.
  2. Dirty or blocked components: A buildup of dust, debris, or soot can clog the pilot light or its components.
  3. Faulty thermocouple: A faulty thermocouple may not detect the presence of a flame and will shut off the gas flow to the pilot light.
  4. Gas supply issues: Problems with the gas supply can cause the flame to extinguish.
If you aren't sure how to fix the light on a furnace, call a professional to do it.

How to Re-Light the Furnace

To re-light the furnace’s pilot light, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the pilot light assembly.
  2. Turn the gas control knob to the “off” position and wait for at least five minutes to allow any residual gas to dissipate.
  3. Find the pilot light button or valve and hold it down, while simultaneously using a long softer or lit match to ignite the pilot light.
  4. Once the pilot light is lit, continue holding the button or valve down for approximately one minute to ensure the flame remains stable.
  5. Release the button or valve and turn the gas control knob back to the “on” position.

Other Recommended Maintenance

Now that you know about lighting a furnace, let’s take a look at a few other areas of recommended maintenance. One of those is the reason your furnace won’t turn on. There are eight areas to check: circuit breakers, thermostat setting, a clean furnace filter, pilot light, blower motor, natural gas or oil supply, drain pan, and ignition switch.

Another is backflow in the home. No homeowner wants backflow in the home so there is good news that there are plumbing devices that prevent backflow. These are air gaps, check valves, and vacuum breakers.

Lastly, sometimes the furnace may leak water. This can be due to a clogged line or clogged part that keeps condensation from building up.

When Do I Call a Professional?

If you have attempted to re-light the pilot light following the above instructions and it continues to go out, it may indicate a more serious issue. It is recommended to call a professional HVAC technician to inspect and repair the furnace.


In conclusion, a pilot light is an integral component of gas appliances that ensures quick and reliable ignition. Understanding the reasons for a pilot light going out and knowing how to safely re-light it can help maintain the functionality of your furnace. However, if the pilot light continues to go out after re-lighting attempts, it is best to seek professional assistance. Call House Inspection Associates to conduct a check on your furnace during a full home inspection in the Virginia, D.C., and Maryland areas.

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